Mapping Praxis: Bonus Round

Hey all,

I just did a little thing that’s essentially another mapping praxis project. I mapped the character Stephen Dedalus as he moves around Dublin in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and I wrote about what geographic coordinates can and can’t show. This was for Jonathan Reeve up at Columbia (some of you met him at Studio@Butler).

I currently have the work posted on my GitHub scratchpad blog. Have a read if you’re interested, and feel free to give any feedback.


6 thoughts on “Mapping Praxis: Bonus Round

  1. Jean ʒɑ̃ (they/them)

    I will read your post as new year gift. As you know well about graduate student life, so busy at the moment. But I went to see your map and it looks very interesting and I’d like to read your writing on what can’t be mapped as soon as I can! Thank you for the gift post 🙂

    1. Hannah House Post author

      Aw, thank you so much Hyemin! That’s the nicest thing I’ve read in a long time. I’m grateful to be in classes with you. I think you’re awesome and always bring such a great perspective to conversations. 🙂

      1. Jean ʒɑ̃ (they/them)

        Oh thank you. I guess I managed to look sane in class 🙂 you’re awesome. I hope we will keep in touch. In any case, I’m quite sure you’ve read nicer -things somewhere else. we are just overwhelmed in this final and end-of-year mayhem…

        Feel completely good soon with your arm, and hope to cross paths soon in person too!

  2. Dax Oliver

    Hey, Hannah! This is impressive. I like how you used different colors for the different ways that the locations are being referenced. The only feedback I have is that the file on GitHub didn’t seem to have any information about the project. I’d like to see something there about how to run BeautifulSoup. Thanks for sharing this on the DH blog.

  3. Jean ʒɑ̃ (they/them)

    Hi Hannah:

    Happy New Year. This is a great map. I love the way you differently colored the current locations, the memory, and imagined places in the animated map. Didn’t realize tagging can be useful and also inspiring for this kind of mapping of a quite subjective or fictive text. It makes me think that you can perhaps argue that readers’s responses (eg. tagging) transform the original text’s meanings as tagging redistributes the conventional cartographical hierarchy in the original fiction to something else. I think there are various layers you can delve into in terms of readers response study (in literary criticism) in relation to the DH. I think that would be helpful to the mapping work itself too. I’d like to see how you develop this further. Very inspiring to my projects as well. Thank you for the sharing.

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